In every field technology has advanced but 200 years after the first arch supports were fashioned from horse hair it still seems everyone believes they need to support their feet with arch supports. Most patients visiting a foot doctor are asked to shell out $300 - $500 for a pair of custom orthotics that in most cases, according to one long term clinical study, do not perform better than store bought insoles.
- A different kind of insole makes feet work more naturally
- Off load painful high pressure points
- Stabilize the feet, ankles and posture
- Improve overall body mechanics
- Eliminate common foot problems
- Facilitate natural healing of ankle, knee, hip and back pain
Dr. Dudley Morton, DPM, nearly 80 years ago tried to convince his peers that the problem with the feet was not the arch, but the first metatarsal, the bone that forms the base of the big toe and inside ball of the foot. He wasn't well received among his peers, but a foot syndrome was eventually given his name-- Morton's Foot Syndrome, or as it is most often called, Morton's Toe.
Because his discovery is barely a foot note in today's medical literature, thousands of people who have seen a doctor for pain, are surprised to discover later, in books and on websites about chronic pain, that they suffer from this condition. The syndrome has firmly been established to be a major cause and perpetuator of muscle and joint pain from the feet to the jaw as published by Dr. Janet Travel who was also the White House doctor caring for President Kennedy's persistent back pain.
"I always believed the problem was my big toes" Bjorn Svae, the founder of Posture Dynamics, says is one of the most common comments they hear after "Why didn't my doctor tell me I have Morton's Foot. I wouldn't have needed surgery.".
ProKinetics Insoles deploy a technology to the first metatarsal itself that incorporates important aspects discovered since Dr. Morton that change how the brain activates the muscles that control foot and body mechanics including overall posture.
Compared to the static buildup of arch supports to essentially lock the feet into a single position, this technology encourages mobility. It is much simpler to wear because the body immediately agrees with it-- like "yes, that's what I need". Consequently, there is no painful break-in: "Walking on tennis balls" as many people describe their first experience with arch supports.
While arch supports are typically prescribed for high, medium, low and no arches, ProKinetics Insoles are intended to be used without arch supports for most people unless they have flexible flat feet, or temporarily for Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain). A quick knee bend test will reveal how badly the foot mechanics is off, and since we are always walking on flat surfaces, the shoe tread-wear reflects each individual response to this structural problem which determines the easiest way to get started.
Since this technology was introduced over 10 years ago, doctors, therapists and consumers all over the world have trimmed up over 100,000 pair of these insoles with great success. Posture Dynamics which manufactures and distributes the insoles worldwide measures their success by positive feedback, but numerically by returns they receive against their 90 day functional guarantee. "We know nothing is 100 %, so if they don't measure up" says Melady Svae, President of Posture Dynamics, "we don't want them under somebody's bed with all the other failures. We want to buy them back-- full price". Only 3.5 % make the full circle.
In countries like Australia it takes a visit to the doctor's office to get a pair, but that has more to do with distribution than the fact that ProKinetics Insoles are not considered a medical device. In the US, in addition to a professional network of distributors, they are available on a few websites as well as recently, on Amazon.