(2) Quick Self-Tests to Tell if You have Trigger Points in Your Peroneus Group:
Follow the instructions below to get a good idea of whether myofascial trigger points might be causing weakness in your ankles and risk of trips, slips and sprain.
TEST 1: Ankle Inversion Test
Sit with your legs out in front of you with knees bent. Turn your ankles in ( inversion) so that the bottoms of your feet are facing each other and touching. A Passing result is when the bottoms of the feet can face and touch each other (toes and heel) without bending the knees. A Not Passing result occurs when there is difficulty or pain trying to get the bottoms of the feet to face each other and touch.
TEST 2: Peroneus Palpation
As always, palpation (the medical term for pressing, feeling and squeezing to evaluate body tissue) is often the most effective test to identify myofascial trigger points in your Peroneus Group muscles.
There are 3 divisions of the Peroneus Group muscles: Longus, Brevis, and Tertius. However, they all line up along the outside of the calf. Press your finger tips into the muscle tissue along the entire outside of the calf, feeling for tender spots and taut bands of muscle tissue.
Also, take note of any Referred Pain. A Passing result is when no pain or taut bands are detected or felt.
3-Step Simple Self-Care Remedies
Many many cases of weak ankles have been corrected by individuals performing simple self-care exercises. There is no reason to suffer repeated ankle sprains or risk falling and injuring oneself, when the solution might cost merely a few minutes per day. So, here's the solution:
Step 1: Warming Up with Moist Heat
The Peroneus trigger points can be very tender and taut. Moist heat is often very helpful to loosen them up and reduce the tenderness for compression in step 2. A warm bath works, or placing a Fomentek bag over the outside of the calf for 10-15 minutes is great.
Step 2: Compression
The best tool for treating the Peroneus Group is the Jacknobber.
Use your self-care tool to compress the tender spots and taut bands you palpated. Press into the muscle to pain tolerance ("good pain" - not pain that is sharp or makes you want to withdraw). Hold for 10 seconds while completing at least two full breaths in and out. Then continue searching for more tender spots until the entire muscle is covered.
You can also roll out the trigger points with a Tiger Tail. Both tools work well in conjunction.
Step 3: Inversion / Eversion Ankle Exercise
Below is an excellent stretching and range of motion exercise for weak ankles.
With the foot elevated off the floor, pull the heel inward (inversion) and then outward (eversion). Repeat 20 reps for each foot, 2-3 times per day until your ankle is strong and you can pass your inversion test.
Step 4: Eliminate the Secret Cause / Perpetuating Factor - Morton's Foot!
One of the biggest causes of trigger points and myofascial dysfunction in the Peroneus Group is a very common congenital malformation of the big toe, wherein it does not develop as long as the second toe. This condition is called Morton's Foot, and it is extremely important and easy to correct.
Here is a link to a previous newsletter we have written about this topic: Correcting Morton's Foot.
With Morton's Foot corrected, you should immediately feel an improvement in your body's bio-mechanics. There will be much less strain on your Peroneus Group and therefore less likelihood of developing trigger points and weak ankles!
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