Sometimes they're sore in the morning ...
Sometimes they swell at the end of the day ...
Sometimes they hurt when we're jogging or dancing
Or during the sports that we play!
Whatever time it is that they ache, one thing is true about feet ...
There is no other place in the whole human body we feel so much pleasure to treat!
For "foot people" there is nothing quite as pleasurable as a good foot massage. It almost makes the soreness in our feet worth it!
However, not all foot treatments are created equal. The myofascial foot remedy in this issue of Muscle News not only feels great, but also has the added benefit of being therapeutic and corrective to myofascial tissues from head to toe!
Don't forget, the fascial sheath that surrounds our body starts at the feet and wraps all the way up to our heads like a full body pantyhose. So, while you enjoy the following myofascial spa treatment for your feet, you are improving the health of your entire musculoskeletal system!
Also, don't forget the important condition of Morton's Foot (long second toe) Syndrome. If you haven't been evaluated for a long second toe or you haven't acquired a 1st Metatarsal Lift (shoe insert that lifts your big toe to correct your entire posture), make sure to let your trigger point therapist know and to review our article on Morton's foot. Many foot problems from bunions to dropped arches result from this common condition that is very easy to correct!
Now let's look at some of the best ways to really improve the function of our foot muscles while enjoying the pleasure of the following treatment.
*The information in this article is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition and does not substitute for a thorough evaluation by a medical professional. Please consult your physician to determine whether these self-care tips are appropriate for you.